Paperpot Paper Chain Pots (02-025) In Stock Now

CONSUMABLE PRODUCT: This is for purchase only.

Borrowing the paperchain pots here will NOT secure your purchase. This is simply for reference. 

To order paperchain pots, please purchase through the One Straw Society Store here.

This item is part of the Paperpot System - be sure to individually borrow all other necessary items according to your needs. Learn more about the Paperpot System 

The Paper Chain Pots are central to the paperpot system.

2" Chains have 2" between each cell, making 150 chain pots. Chain length is 49.5 ft, @ $5.30 each

4" Chains have 4″ between each cell, making 75 chain pots. Chain Length 93 ft, @ $7.67 each

6" Chains have 6″ between each cell, making 75 chain pots. Chain Length 139 ft, @ $8.21 each